Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Well crew, after 2 months, 45 boxes of Phillip Morris, gallons of liquid survival juice, solitary confinement and a very sore ass; the first draft of the Night Walker Shooting Script has finally been completed! I have to say that now I have the utmost respect for writers (of any kind; even Stephen whats his name?) and this was the most challenging thing I've ever done (apart from take on an army of lesbians at the Sydney Mardi Gras from which I have never fully recovered!). They say you only live once well now, I feel like I've lived an eternity and the hard work is yet to begin!
Friday, September 02, 2005
(AP Photo, Patrick Dennis)
Used without permission.
A massive hurricane has ripped thru the southern parts of the United states especially New Orleans and the Mississippi area. A recent news story quoted the hurricane as the strongest possible 'a terrifying category 5...' with speeds of 280 km/hour. Now thats windy... imagine driving along in a racing car at 280km/hour and sticking you head out the window for a few hours! You would be lucky if you had any eyeballs, hearing and in fact, a head left! Anyway, not to turn this into black comedy as I'm sure the people over there are suffering severely and I do feel for them as I hope they would for me if was unlucky enough to be homeless from a massive earthquake in Tokyo (extremely possible!).
So here is a couple of heads up links to good sites explaining more about this tragic hurricane including satellite photos of before and after shots in the link below (pay close attention to the city golf course and surrounding area!)
Hurricane Katrina (click here)
For the people of this earth...