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FOCUS: August 2006 FOCUS .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;}

A SIMPLE BLOG OF A SIMPLE MAN including teaching, photography, independent film, writing, music, living in a foreign land, the HARD FACTS of life, and a sprinkle of tounge-in-cheek comedy.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


For those of you still having this issue (as posted prior) where Safari just wont show quicktime images and only a ? mark then do this:

Go to library/ internet plugins & remove only this file: QuickTimePlugin.webplugin (as shown in the pic) to the desktop (be sure to save it in a new folder ie. Quicktime folder) and close safari. Then re-open and both Quicktime movies and content on websites should now display for you.

C'mon Apple, lift your game and stop leaving it up to guys like me to solve your issues... blah!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. turndownthesuck