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FOCUS: August 2008 FOCUS .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;}

A SIMPLE BLOG OF A SIMPLE MAN including teaching, photography, independent film, writing, music, living in a foreign land, the HARD FACTS of life, and a sprinkle of tounge-in-cheek comedy.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Some good news people...

We are now 'award winning filmmakers' - so watch out!

Watch the MRA TRAILER here

View some photos from THE MAKING OF MRA here.

The short film, Monster Removal Agency (MRA) which was my first ever main acting role (I played the lead, Paul), just won the Grand Prize Award at the 2008 Yubari International Student Film Festival.

We (the team) put a lot of effort and months of training into this action/ comedy film, and we are stoked to finally have some reward for our sweat - yipee! I was the lead actor and fight choreographer for the film, not to mention photographer and self-appointed publicist ;) We had a ball making this film and JR (John Lipartito) the director and Rob Moreno (DP and editor) did an amazing job of wrapping it all up and getting it out there - ONYA!

*Side note: If you are wondering what is happening with me and why this is my FIRST BLOG POST IN MORE THAN A YEAR, well check out my all in one website here:
www.shfocus.info. To cut all my stories short, I am busy editing my first feature independent film: Night Walker, which I wrote, produced and directed.

Japanese information follows 

夕張国際学生映画祭2008国際学生映画AWARD、グランプリは、 ジョン・リパーテイト監督の「MRA The Monster Removal Agency」(アメリカ代表作品)、 準グランプリは小栗はるひ監督の「少年少女」(夕張国際学生映画祭2008代表作品)、 審査員特別賞は長崎愛監督の「家」(東京学生映画祭招待作品)に決定しました! また今回準グランプリを受賞された小栗はるひさんには、JCF(Japan Creators Fund)スカラシップ制度として、 300万円の製作資金で新作映画を製作・監督する権利を授与します。 なお、新作映画は夕張をテーマとし、2008年春から夏にかけて夕張をロケ地として撮影を開始します。 またこの映画は10月に開催が予定されているYUBARIWOOD FILM AWARD 2008にて特別上映される予定です。


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